Hunted (Dark Reflections #2) is Live!

I’m pleased to announce that Hunted, the second Dark Reflections Novel, is now available for purchase at all of the major retailers!

Hunted CoverThe Setup:
Adri just wants to make it through the next two years of high school so she can graduate and go out on her own, but she’s in for a big surprise. Adri is about to develop a unique power that will thrust her into a shadowy world filled by preternatural creatures who want to use her for her own ends or barring that, kill her to keep her out of someone else’s hands.

At home, at school, even in her own dreams—nobody is who and what they say they are, and her time is running out. The only thing she knows for sure is that if she doesn’t trust anyone, then she’s as good as dead.

Publisher’s Note: Dean Murray’s ongoing Reflection Series has been a stunning success with hundreds of thousands of copies in circulation, and a rich, complex world where choices—right or wrong—have real, profound consequences. Unsatisfied with the restrictions imposed on him by writing inside of the conventional series structure, Dean has returned to Sanctuary and the characters so many fans have fallen in love with.
Hunted is the second book in Dean’s new Dark Reflections novels, an alternate timeline set in the same world and featuring many of the same characters, but with a profoundly different backstory.

Hunted 2Dean finally answers many of the questions that his most dedicated readers have been asking themselves for years. What would have happened if Alec’s father hadn’t been murdered by the Coun’hij, how would Adri’s life have changed if her family hadn’t been shattered in a horrific accident?

The answers may surprise you, but one thing is for sure; you’ll see new sides of familiar faces and when all is said and done, you’ll never be able to look at some of them the same.

Readers new to Dean Murray’s writing can start with Bound in the Dark Reflections Series or Broken in the Reflections Series.

Buy Hunted as an Ebook for 20% off (only $3.99 or local equivalent for the first week):
From iTunes
From Amazon US
From Amazon UK
From Barnes & Noble
From Smashwords
From Google Play
From Kobo

I’m personally thrilled with how the Dark Reflections books are turning out. I think that Hunted is a great addition to Alec & Adri’s story.

I hope you all enjoy Hunted as much as I enjoyed writing it! I’ll be paying more attention than normal to my forum over the next few days if you want to swing by and discuss Hunted at some point.

A Reflections Super Fan!


Janelle is one of my super-fan moderators over on my forum and she also serves as one of my advance readers (She’s given me some great feedback on Hunted and Driven).

She is so amazing that she e-mailed me a few weeks ago and asked if I would mind it she made a Splintered

t-shirt and wore it to Planet Comicon. Needless to say I was super excited and even more so when she sent me some pictures of the day and told me that I could post them here on the blog.

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I’m super grateful to Janelle (and all my other advance readers too, but this post is specifically about the awesomeness of Janelle) for all of her help. If you happen to run into her in real life or cross paths with her on my forum please give her a big thanks. She’s one of the unsung heroes that help move the series forward.

I get to have all the fun sitting alone in a room making things up, but Janelle is one of the great people who kindly step up to help out with all of the less fun parts making sure that everyone has a steady supply of new Reflections and Dark Reflections books.

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Thanks, Janelle for being so awesome!

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Interview Questions-An Update

Janelle from over on my forum has asked if the questions can be expanded to include more than just book stuff. I’m really not as interesting as my books are, so it never even entered into my head that you all would be interested in asking non-writing questions, but if someone has been dying to know some bit of odd trivia about me fire away and I’ll try to answer anything sensible 🙂

Interview Questions

It’s been suggested by some of the people over on my forum that I open up submission for email questions so that we can do a kind of crowd-sourced interview.

I’m almost always up for talking about Alec, Adri, Va’del, Jain, Geoffrey and the rest of my characters, so here’s your chance to ask me whatever questions you might have about the series, my process or anything else writing related.

I’ll accept e-mail submissions at my gmail address (deanwrites) for roughly the next 2-3 weeks and then once I’m done with my current manuscript I’ll draw up responses to as many of the best questions as I can fit in over the course of an hour or so and post the entire interview here on my blog.

In case some of you are on the shy side and need encouragement, I’ll be sending an autographed paperback copy of Broken (in the continental United States) to the reader with the question that I like the most out of all of the questions I receive.



Win an Advance Reader Copy of Hunted!

Just a quick post to let you all know that I want to reward the awesome fans who bought and enjoyed Bound.

The first 50 people to email me a link to their honest review of Bound on one of the major retail sites will get an advance reader copy of Hunted (my next book) a week or two before Hunted actually goes live on the major sites.

The fine print:
1. You need to have actually read Bound (I’m not sure how one would leave an honest review of something they hadn’t read)
2. Eligible retailers: Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Play, Smashwords.
3. For Amazon your review should show that you were a verified purchaser of the book.
4. If there isn’t a way to send me a link to your exact review, then you can link me to the book on the retailer and copy and paste your review in the body of the email.
5. All emails can be sent to my gmail address or my address (deanwrites @ and dean @ respectively).

Ready. Set. Go!

Feb Status Update

I’ve got a bunch of other things that I should be doing right now, but I decided that it was time to get my status update for Feb written now, or I’m not going to get it done before I need to start writing my next book.

January was a tough month. I decided that I needed to write Isaac’s post Riven story (so a Reflections book). Some of my recent books have almost written themselves, but this one wasn’t like that. Partly that was because I needed to define a bunch more of the back story that up until now had either been very nebulous, or completely blank.

An awful lot of the backstory has just gradually come to me over the years, which is the way that I prefer the work. When it all happens organically it feels like there is less risk that I’m going to get something wrong, which is especially important when you start talking about the really big-picture stuff that tends to shape the major plot threads either directly or indirectly.

I don’t really believe in writer’s block, so that meant that I couldn’t just sit around and wait for the stuff I needed to come to me. I had to go out and actively start filling in the pieces I needed, and it was a stressful kind of activity to be doing on a deadline. I got a late start in January (I can’t really remember why now, but I think it might have been because of some editing I was doing), so there was quite a bit of pressure, but I managed to put another big swath of history in place and overall I think it will serve both series really well.

The other reason that I struggled was because I didn’t have much in the way of plot going into Isaac’s book. When you have a plot, then the history and world building tend to take care of themselves. When you have the history and the world building set out, then the plot takes care of itself. When you start without the need bits of either, then life gets tough.

The fact that I had to fit Isaac’s book into the framework of what had come before his book (including a conversation with Jasmin in Driven) added another level of difficulty, and there were some tricky parts when it came to what was going to happen with some supporting characters, but over the course of a couple days things slowly came together on my outline, and I was able to really get started on the rough draft on the 7th. I typed the last word 22 working days (25 calendar days) later, and the manuscript ended up being 119,762 words long.

I need to go back through it in April, I suspect that I’m going to find that it’s a little rough in spots, but I think I’m also going to find that it is some of my most solid writing yet. I’m thrilled to have gotten Isaac to where he is by the end of the book, and I wish that there was a way to get it out to all of you tomorrow rather than 6 or 7 months from now.

February was difficult for other reasons, mostly just the normal kind of life events that you deal with regardless of what you do for employment, but I did end up spending an extra few days that I hadn’t counted on when it came to getting Bound and Hunted laid out for trade paperback.

At this point Bound is live in e-book form, Hunted (Dark Reflections #2—Adri’s story) is queued up to go live at the end of March, Driven (Jasmin’s post-Riven Reflections story) is out with my advance readers, and Dark Reflections #3 (Which absolutely blew Katie’s mind) is undergoing its first editing pass.

In other news, the forum has incredible information on it. If you haven’t stopped by yet, I’d encourage you to do so. Jenine, Janelle and Lauren have asked some really insightful questions and they’ve got some interesting theories about what is going to happen next. I stop by there at least every few days and answer questions. It’s headed towards being the exact kind of place that I always wished existed for my favorite series.

There really is some great stuff in store for you all. I’ve never seen my advance readers this excited before. They are loving where the story is going and I’m excited to be able to share this journey with all of you.

Stay tuned for another blog post sometime in the next few days.


Dean’s Forum

Just a quick update to let you all know that there is some great discussion going on right now over on my forum. If you haven’t stopped by to check things out, you’re missing out.

I’ve been adding a few comments here and there to the discussion, and there are some pretty big hints about where the series is going if you know what to look for inside of a few of those posts.


Bound is Live!

Bound CoverI’m pleased to announce that Bound (previously called Disillusioned), the first Dark Reflections Novel, is now available for purchase at all of the major retailers!

The Setup: 
The only thing worse than having no family at all, is having a family that is out to hurt you. That would all be bad enough for a normal 17-year-old, but it’s even worse for Alec Graves. A shape shifter’s pack, his family, is the only thing stopping the other preternatural creatures out there from killing them.

Alec’s pack isn’t just neglectful, he’s pretty sure that his father wants him dead. Alec is about to be sent to the front lines of a war between his people and everything else that goes bump in the night. His only chance of survival is to convince everyone around him that he’s the perfect soldier, but there are lines that Alec won’t cross, not for any price.

Publisher’s Note: Dean Murray’s ongoing Reflection Series has been a stunning success with hundreds of thousands of copies in circulation, and a rich, complex world where choices—right or wrong—have real, profound consequences. Unsatisfied with the restrictions imposed on him by writing inside of the conventional series structure, Dean has returned to Sanctuary and the characters so many fans have fallen in love with.

Bound is the first in Dean’s new Dark Reflections novels, an alternate timeline set in the same world and featuring many of the same characters, but with a profoundly different backstory.

Dean finally answers many of the questions that his most dedicated readers have been asking themselves for years. What would have happened if Alec’s father hadn’t been murdered by the Coun’hij, how would Adri’s life have changed if her family hadn’t been shattered in a horrific accident?

The answers may surprise you, but one thing is for sure; you’ll see new sides of familiar faces and when all is said and done, you’ll never be able to look at some of them the same.

Readers new to Dean Murray’s writing can start with Bound in the Dark Reflections Series or Broken in the Reflections Series.

Buy Bound as an Ebook (only $3.99 or local equivalent for the first week):
From iTunes
From Amazon US
From Amazon UK
From Barnes & Noble
From Smashwords
From Google Play
From Kobo

I’m personally thrilled with how the Dark Reflections books are turning out. I think that Bound is both a great addition to Alec & Adri’s story, and a great start point for people who may not have had a chance to read any of my work yet. My advance readers are telling me that they think Hunted (book 2, due out in March) is the best thing I’ve ever written, and I think that book three is going to blow everyone away.

I hope you all enjoy Bound as much as I enjoyed writing it! I’ll be paying more attention than normal to my forum over the next few days if you want to swing by and discuss Bound at some point.


Cover Reveal/Voting for Bound (Formally Titled Disillusioned)

So the title to this one sums things up even better than usual. I’ve gone ahead and decided that the title for the first Dark Reflections novel has to change.

I’m starting to wonder if there are any writing and publishing mistakes that I’m not going to make before all is said and done. I hope so, but I guess only time will tell–I’m certainly on track to make a lot of them.

Katie and I have spent a lot of time over the last week trying to come to something we both like that could serve as the cover for the book we’re releasing on the 23rd (maybe I’ll do a post later with more of the background behind what’s been going on over the last few weeks to put us so far behind our usual schedule).

We’ve looked at several thousand fonts, separately and together, and Katie has mocked up something like two dozen different covers, but nothing was working like we thought it should. I’ve also recently looked at scores and scores of covers for other urban fantasy and paranormal romance books in an effort to get a better feel for what is typical for those genres, and Katie has done the same.

In the end I just kept coming back to the fact that at 13 letters long, the title itself was part of the problem, so Disillusioned will instead be released as Bound.

I’ve learned some lessons from this exercise. I’ll be sticking with titles that are shorter (probably 8 or 9 letters max) and I may very well hold off announcing a title until we have a cover done when it comes to future releases.

One of the things that has added to the stress this time around is the fact that we’re trying to brand the series more tightly. We’re trying for more homogeneous cover art and we’re hoping to settle on a standard font so that down the road a reader will be able to pick out one of my books from a lineup without having to actually read my name on the cover.

I think we’re both finally in agreement on which cover we want to use, so without further delay, here is Bound:

Bound CoverThe Setup:
The only thing worse than having no family at all, is having a family that is out to hurt you. That would all be bad enough for a normal 17-year-old, but it’s even worse for Alec Graves. A shape shifter’s pack, his family, is the only thing stopping the other preternatural creatures out there from killing them.

Alec’s pack isn’t just neglectful, he’s pretty sure that his father wants him dead. Alec is about to be sent to the front lines of a war between his people and everything else that goes bump in the night. His only chance of survival is to convince everyone around him that he’s the perfect soldier, but there are lines that Alec won’t cross, not for any price.

Publisher’s Note: Dean Murray’s ongoing Reflection Series has been a stunning success with hundreds of thousands of copies in circulation, and a rich, complex world where choices—right or wrong—have real, profound consequences. Unsatisfied with the restrictions imposed on him by writing inside of the conventional series structure, Dean has returned to Sanctuary and the characters so many fans have fallen in love with.

Bound is the first in Dean’s new Dark Reflections novels, an alternate timeline set in the same world and featuring many of the same characters, but with a profoundly different backstory.

Dean finally answers many of the questions that his most dedicated readers have been asking themselves for years. What would have happened if Alec’s father hadn’t been murdered by the Coun’hij, how would Adri’s life have changed if her family hadn’t been shattered in a horrific accident?

The answers may surprise you, but one thing is for sure; you’ll see new sides of familiar faces and when all is said and done, you’ll never be able to look at some of them the same.

Readers new to Dean Murray’s writing can start with Bound in the Dark Reflections Series or Broken in the Reflections Series.

I think that Katie has created a number of really gorgeous covers, but out of all of them, the cover for A Darkness Mirrored has been my favorite.

A  Darkness Mirrored Cover

You’ll see some common characteristics between A Darkness Mirrored and Bound. Negative space off to the side where the spine is/will be, and a single individual as the focus of the cover.

I had a hard time letting go of the font that Katie used on A Darkness Mirrored, but ultimately I think the fonts on the cover for Bound are a better match for other books in the genre(s) I’m trying to write in.

Here’s the runner up cover and the runner-up back copy:

Bound Runner-up CoverAlec Graves has lived a life of privileged luxury; at least that’s what it looks like from the outside. The truth is that all of the money in the world can’t make up for an existence where he doesn’t know who to trust.

If that was the worst of things Alec could have learned to adjust, but as a shape shifter, he also has to constantly worry about being dragged into a dominance fight by one of the other alphas in the pack.

It’s only a matter of time before Alec gets sent down south to fight in one of the many border wars currently raging against the vampires or the jaguars. If Alec is killed in the fighting then his friends and sister won’t last the month.

Publisher’s Note: Fans of Dean Murray’s Reflections Series will enjoy this alternate timeline novel that examines what would have happened if Alec’s earlier life had gone differently. In this timeline Alec’s father wasn’t murdered by Agony and the pack wasn’t broken into multiple pieces. In this timeline Alec’s dad joined the Coun’hij and nothing has been the same since.

I suppose this isn’t a vote in the traditional sense, but I’d love to hear from all of you in the comments on this one. Do you think we chose right with the cover and the blurb? Do you think that the ones we are going with will make new readers want to pick up the series? I certainly hope so, I have some really big plans for Bound.

