New Covers for Broken and Torn!

Broken (A Reflections Novel)Some of the more eagle-eyed among you (and those who’ve been spending time out on my forum)may have already noticed that Broken and Torn have received new covers as part of our recent re-branding effort.

I’m just thrilled with how they’ve both turned out and hope they bring tons of new readers into to enjoy the Reflections universe.

Thanks goes out to my wife Katie for such amazing work–she’s been especially busy over the last few weeks.

Feel free to tell Katie how awesome she is in the comments of you’re so inclined. 🙂

Torn (A Reflections Novel)

4 thoughts on “New Covers for Broken and Torn!

    1. Dean Post author

      Glad you like them–I’m thrilled with how this latest batch has been turning out. Go team Katie 🙂

    1. Dean Post author

      Thank you–I’ll pass that along to Katie.

      Preliminary response to the new covers seems to be promising.


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