Hunted (Dark Reflections #2) is Live!

I’m pleased to announce that Hunted, the second Dark Reflections Novel, is now available for purchase at all of the major retailers!

Hunted CoverThe Setup:
Adri just wants to make it through the next two years of high school so she can graduate and go out on her own, but she’s in for a big surprise. Adri is about to develop a unique power that will thrust her into a shadowy world filled by preternatural creatures who want to use her for her own ends or barring that, kill her to keep her out of someone else’s hands.

At home, at school, even in her own dreams—nobody is who and what they say they are, and her time is running out. The only thing she knows for sure is that if she doesn’t trust anyone, then she’s as good as dead.

Publisher’s Note: Dean Murray’s ongoing Reflection Series has been a stunning success with hundreds of thousands of copies in circulation, and a rich, complex world where choices—right or wrong—have real, profound consequences. Unsatisfied with the restrictions imposed on him by writing inside of the conventional series structure, Dean has returned to Sanctuary and the characters so many fans have fallen in love with.
Hunted is the second book in Dean’s new Dark Reflections novels, an alternate timeline set in the same world and featuring many of the same characters, but with a profoundly different backstory.

Hunted 2Dean finally answers many of the questions that his most dedicated readers have been asking themselves for years. What would have happened if Alec’s father hadn’t been murdered by the Coun’hij, how would Adri’s life have changed if her family hadn’t been shattered in a horrific accident?

The answers may surprise you, but one thing is for sure; you’ll see new sides of familiar faces and when all is said and done, you’ll never be able to look at some of them the same.

Readers new to Dean Murray’s writing can start with Bound in the Dark Reflections Series or Broken in the Reflections Series.

Buy Hunted as an Ebook for 20% off (only $3.99 or local equivalent for the first week):
From iTunes
From Amazon US
From Amazon UK
From Barnes & Noble
From Smashwords
From Google Play
From Kobo

I’m personally thrilled with how the Dark Reflections books are turning out. I think that Hunted is a great addition to Alec & Adri’s story.

I hope you all enjoy Hunted as much as I enjoyed writing it! I’ll be paying more attention than normal to my forum over the next few days if you want to swing by and discuss Hunted at some point.

4 thoughts on “Hunted (Dark Reflections #2) is Live!

  1. Mei

    I’ll probably never get a chance to see a paperback copy of your books, but the ‘s’ in ‘Reflections’ is still missing on the spine print there FYI.

    1. Dean Post author

      Thanks, Mei.

      Good eye–you and Janelle are life savers when it comes to making sure that these kinds of errors get caught. Usually by the time we get done with a cover I don’t even really see it anymore when I look at it–I see what we were trying to do.

      Your help is greatly appreciate!


  2. Barbi Henry

    Hey Dean
    I’m not sure if you got my email after I finished reading Hunted, but if not I thought I would let you know it was great both my daughter and I read it very quickly mainly because we couldn’t put it down. Unfortunately that meant we were left wanting more. So keep up the good work. And thanks for writing stories that are exciting, and epic. We still think that if you were given the opportunity to turn them into a movie or mini series we would defiantly be first in line to see it just as we are with getting the books. Thanks again have a great day.

    1. Dean Post author

      Hi, Barbi.

      I’m very glad that you enjoyed Hunted! I send a response to your email on the 22nd–let me know if you still can’t find it and I’ll resend it 🙂

      I can relate with hating the wait in between book releases. One of the series I’ve been following is releasing a new book this month, and I’ve been chomping at the bit wishing it was live already.

      On the plus side it’s now less than 2 months until Driven goes live 🙂 I’me hoping to have it available for pre-order in the next week or two. I just did a cover reveal for Driven on my forum and will be posting the cover here on my blog later today so you may want to stop back by and check it out.

      Thank you for the kind words–I would love to see the Reflections and Dark Reflections books turned into a movie some day–only time will tell, but if it happens it will be because of awesome fans like you 🙂



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