Email Sent to the Launch Team for Endless

I just pushed send on the email to my Launch Team for Endless.

Here’s the Setup:
Becoming immortal and mastering god-like powers hasn’t been easy for Selene. Enemies shadow her every move, and using her powers continues to rip away memories of her childhood and the mother she lost too soon.

Things between her and Jace are strained, but Selene still thinks they can work things out until she realizes that her actions—her very existence—has triggered a chain of events that threatens more than just her relationship with Jace.

This time the entire world is at stake and with every passing moment Selene is less sure who she can trust to help her fight evils both ancient and modern.

If you are on the Launch Team and haven’t received your email, please check your spam/junk folder, and if it’s still not there send me an email.

If you were on one of my past Launch Teams and failed to post a review for either Reborn or Immortal because life just got too crazy, you can reach out to me as well and if you’re willing to catch up on your reviews I can reinstate you.



Immortal is Now Live!

Immortal (Awakening #2)I’m glad to be able to announce that Immortal is now live on all the major retailers!

The Setup:
Dying sucks for everyone, but for Selene there are added complications.

Becoming one of the Awakened, a group of godlike beings, should have been the end of Selene’s worries. Instead, dangerous people who want the secrets she hid away in a past incarnation are hunting her, and every time Selene uses her abilities she pays a price—losing memories that are impossible to get back.

Jace, Selene’s hunky ex, has promised to protect her, but when Selene is kidnapped by Jace’s brother Kyle—who she was married to before Jace came into the picture—things get strained.

Without Kyle’s help, Selene can’t save the people she cares about, but trusting Kyle could have unfortunate consequences.

Immortal is a 65,000 word novel. Immortal is preceded by Reborn and followed by Endless.

Buy Immortal as an Ebook:
From Apple iBooks ($2.99)
From Amazon US ($2.99)
From Amazon UK (2.49 GBP)
From Barnes & Noble ($2.99)
From Smashwords ($2.99)
From Google Play ($2.99)
From Kobo ($2.99)

New Print Books

Just a heads up for everyone that we’re finally starting to get the new print editions of the Reflections & Dark Reflections books coming together. It’s been quite a learning curve to get the details all right, but I think these new editions are gorgeous.

So far we have BrokenBound, and Hunted all live on Amazon, and they should also become available through your local book store sometime in the next few weeks.

I just approved the proofs for Torn and Shattered, so they should likewise  start showing up in the usual places over the next little while.



Immortal Cover Reveal and Advance Reader Copies off to my Launch Team

Immortal (Awakening #2)I’m happy to be able to finally show everyone the cover for my next new release, Immortal! I think that Katie has done a really amazing job again, and am thrilled with how the series is turning out.

Speaking of Immortal, it’s worth letting everyone know that a couple of days ago I managed to get Immortal whipped into shape enough that I could send advance reader copies off to my Launch Team (if you’re on the Launch Team for Immortal and you haven’t seen your copy of Immortal come through please check your junk mail folder and if you still don’t see it go ahead and reach out to me so I can get you a copy).

That means that Immortal is about 4 weeks away from going live on all of the retailers, so for those of you who read and loved Reborn, you’re down to just less than a month before you’ll be able to continue Selene’s story. The response I’m getting from Immortal is even better than what I saw from Reborn, so I’m extra excited to get this one out where everyone can read it.

In other news, tonight I finished another novel (the first book in the new YA PNR romance I’ve been calling Stoneskin until I manage to come up with something better). This one has actually come together fairly quickly, but has been a real battle to finish simply because so many other projects have been jumping up and down demanding to be dealt with.

Endless is off to Amy for another round of edits, R.J. just send Dark Reflections #5 back to me with her finds (which I’ll probably get started working on next week), and Katie has started reading the first book in the new Dystopian series I wrote in December. Based on her response so far, I think most of you are really going to enjoy this one.

I hope everyone is having a good February–I’ll be in touch again in a few weeks when Immortal goes live.

All the best,



Feb 2015 Status update and 2014 Year in Review:

Time has once again gotten away from me. The last time I did a status update was back in November and a lot has happened since then. In 2013 I wrote just over 581,000 words and released 3 novels. In 2014 I wrote a bit more than 795,000 words and released 7 novels.

My goal for 2015 is a million words. That’s a lot of writing, but with my recent changes to my workflow, the incorporation of speech recognition software into my process to save my wrists, and trimming away some of the less-valuable tasks that I’ve historically spent time on, I think it should be possible, but it means that I’m going to have to make some changes that I’ve been considering.

The main change is that, I’m going to stop publishing a release date for most of my books. I can see situations where it still might be worthwhile to announce a release date 6-9 months in advance of a book going live, but right now it just doesn’t make a lot of sense. My release schedule has a couple of months of slack in it so that I know I can make the release dates even if I get sick, have an emergency in the family, or life otherwise throws us a curveball.

Eliminating the pre-announced release dates means that I can just release each book as soon as it is finished with the editing and formatting process, which means that all of you will get to read the books sooner than you otherwise would.

That means it’s more important than ever to sign up for my mailing list as that will be the main channel by which I let all of you know that I’ve released another book out into the wild.

As of right now, I have all three of the Awakening Series books finished (as far as the writing side of things goes) and am working them through the editing and formatting process. I also have the 5th Dark Reflections book written and I’ve also finished the 1st and 2nd books in a new, dystopian series that I’m very excited about.

I’m currently coming around the home stretch on the first book in a new YA PNR romance series (like Broken or Reborn) (the working title right now is Stoneskin) that I’m hoping to finish up before the end of the month. Once that happens, I’ll have a rather tricky decision ahead of me.

I still need to write Jess’ story in Reflections, finish up the dystopian trilogy, or write the second and third book in the new PNR series (Stoneskin) I’m working one. There are positives and negatives to all of those options, so I haven’t been able to pick between them all yet—I suspect it will just come down to which book feels the most ready to write in the back of my mind.

Katie and I are still hard at work trying to get all of the Reflections books in out print, which is still turning out to be much more involved than we expected given that we’ve done other print books in the past, but I think we’re starting to close in on having the first 2 or 3 just right.

I’ll try to keep you posted on where I go from here.



Reborn is Now Live!

Reborn CoverThis one feels like it’s been a lot longer coming for some reason, but I’m incredibly happy to announce that Reborn is now available on all major platforms!

I hope you all enjoy it, I’ve left the price at just $.99 to start out.

The Setup:
True love never dies.

In just a few days a new arrival at Selene’s high school will turn her entire world upside down. She’s never met anyone so attractive—or so mysterious—before this, but Jace’s unyielding insistence that they’ve known each other for decades can’t be denied—not given how familiar he feels to her.

In the hidden world of gods and fairies what you don’t know can get you killed faster than anything else and only those you love have any chance of saving you.

Reborn is a 101,000 word novel. Reborn is followed by Immortal.

Buy Reborn as an Ebook:
From Apple iBooks ($.99)
From Amazon US ($.99)
From Amazon UK (.99 GBP)
From Barnes & Noble ($.99)
From Smashwords ($.99)
From Google Play ($.99)
From Kobo ($.99)

Reborn Cover Reveal

Reborn CoverJust a quick post to let everyone see the cover for Reborn! I think that Katie did another fantastic job with this one.

I’ve got a blog post that has been sitting on my hard drive for nearly a month, that I still need to get posted, but one of the key points is that I’m moving away from a previously announced release schedule as that mostly just results in me having finished books sitting around waiting for the release date to arrive.

Based on that, I’m excited to say that Reborn should go live in the two weeks, and I’m excited for all of you to see it!

Here’s the setup for Reborn:
True love never dies.

In just a few days a new arrival at Selene’s high school will turn her entire world upside down. She’s never met anyone so attractive—or so mysterious—before this, but Jace’s unyielding insistence that they’ve known each other for decades can’t be denied—not given how familiar he feels to her.

In the hidden world of gods and fairies what you don’t know can get you killed faster than anything else and only those you love have any chance of saving you.

Thanks for all that you do to help spread the word!


Chet: Whispers From the Past–Currently Free

Chet Whispers From the PastSome of you know that my father, Larry Murray, has written several books. The first book in his Chet series is currently free everywhere but Amazon.

Chet takes all of the best elements from books like Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Where the Red Fern Grows, and combines them into something uniquely heartwarming. I’ve read both Chet 2 and Chet 3, and the series just keeps getting better and better with each book, so if you like Chet 1 you’re going to want to stick around to see what happens next.

For those of you who usually get your books on Amazon (where Chet currently isn’t free) you can either pay full retail for it (it’s worth it), pick up a free .mobi from Smashwords (just like you did with the free copy of Torn you get for signing up for my mailing list–just without having to worry about the coupon code), or you can let Amazon know that you’ve found Chet for a lower price somewhere else and request that they price-match the other retailers.

Here’s a screenshot of where you would go do that on Amazon:

Here’s a link to Larry’s website and the product page for Chet 1 with all of the links to the various retailers.

