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Ambushed Teaser #1

I have an incredible group of advanced readers, one of which is Mei. About a week ago Mei approached me with a wonderful idea that she hoped would help get the Reflections Readers excited about Ambushed (Dark Reflections #3).

I’m incredibly grateful for her help and equally thrilled to be able to post the first of a series of visual book teasers that Mei and Katie have been working on.

Ambushed Teaser #1If you haven’t started my Dark Reflections series yet, there’s still time to read Bound and Hunted before August 8th.


Open for Suggestions

Hey everyone. I’ve been spending some time trying to put together a multi-author bundle (the idea is that four or five authors would get together for a limited time and offer one novel each to be put into a $.99 story bundle).

As I downloaded yet another sample I realized that I’m being silly. The best way to find other books that might fit well win a bundle with Broken would be to get suggestions from all of you.

It needs to be an indie author (traditional publishing contracts don’t generally allow the author the flexibility to do this kind of thing), the book your recommending needs to be the first in a series and it needs to be a YA paranormal romance (so age appropriate, clean).

If you can leave you suggestions in the comments I’d appreciate it-I’ll see how much reading I can squeeze into the next few days before I start writing again in July, and then I’ll approach the authors with the opportunity and see what they say.

