Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dean’s New Forum

I found out today that my current forum solution wasn’t working–people have been unable to create new accounts–which isn’t acceptable.

I did a little research today and found out that getting a new forum solution set up using my hosting account would be a lot easier than I expected it to be. (I think in a lot of ways I’m still stuck in the days back when if you wanted something up on the web you had to hand code it yourself. It’s amazing what you can do these days with a few clicks!)

I’ve gone ahead and rolled out a new forum solution, and this time It’s hosted here on the same server as the rest of my site so there aren’t any annoying ads 🙂

You can find the new forum here. Or you can get to it by using the link up on the right side of the header.

I’m not sure when (or even if) I’ll have the time to move over all of the content from the old site (which is too bad–there is some amazing stuff there), so in the meantime you’ll still be able to go back to the old forum and look at the topics even though I’ve locked it down so that nobody can post.

Dean’s Rewards Program

There is a lot going on right now—more even than I expected to be dealing with during a non-writing month. The editing side of things is going well, but there are a lot of other projects in the works that I’m hoping will make a huge difference with regards to how many people are finding the Reflections books.

As you’ll have seen from my last post, I was overwhelmed by the responses to the survey, and there were a ton of times where I wished that I could properly recognize so many of you for what you are doing to help spread the word.

I’ve been playing around with an idea for most of the last three years, tweaking it here and there, and I’m finally ready to implement my Rewards Program. I’ve been calling it Rabid Rewards, but I don’t know how everyone else feels about that name. I was a pretty ‘rabid’ Twilight fan (and proud of it) back when the last few book were being released, so I don’t feel like it’s a pejorative, but I’ll leave it up to all of you whether or not you’re okay with the program being called Rabid Rewards.

The basic idea is that I’ve created a worksheet that you can use to track certain activities (reviews you’ve left, friends you’ve turned into fellow Reflections fans, books you’ve read). Each activity is worth a certain amount of points and I’ve put in place an online form where you can enter your point totals as often as you would like.

Approximately once a month I’ll go through and eliminate any duplicate entries (so only your most recent entry is counted) and then I’ll randomly (random, but the more points you have the more likely you are to win) draw a winner and award them cool Reflections prizes. The first drawing is going to be for a signed proof (the first completed copy—it usually takes me two or three proofs before I get a book just right, you’ll be getting the last proof, so in my opinion it’s even better than a signed first edition 🙂 of Broken with the new old cover, and an advanced reader copy of Shattered.

This is a pilot program—if tons of you jump on board and submit point totals then I’ll keep running it and hopefully be able to keep expanding on the coolness of the prizes. If this isn’t something that many of you are excited about, then I’ll eventually mothball the program and move on in search of something else that is more exciting to you. 🙂

Here’s a link to Rabid Rewards Example Worksheet  (for your records).

Here’s a link to the online form where you submit your numbers for the official drawing.

Here’s a link to the Rewards Program Description on my new forum.

The fine print:

This program is largely on-your-honor. I will however ask for a copy of your tracking worksheet and I’ll do some limited checking/auditing of your total. For example if you say that you’ve left five reviews I might ask for links to four of them, if you indicate that you bought Lost as a new release I may ask for the screenshot from Amazon showing that you purchased it when you say you did.

Believe me that I don’t ever want to have to not award someone a prize because they fibbed on their numbers, so please be honest. I have a great group of fans, so I don’t expect this to be an issue, but it was a concern for some of the fans that I initially presented the idea to, so I feel like it’s only right to give them the assurance that there will be some checking going on to try and make sure people aren’t cheating.

Survey Responses

It’s taken me most of the day to review all of the responses to the survey and all I can say is WOW! I really appreciate so many of you taking the time to provide such extensive answers. There were so many kind things said in the responses that I was starting to get a big head partway through the process, but by the end the pendulum had swung back around the other direction and I came away just this side of terrified that I’m going to end up disappointing everyone before the series is over.

Deep breaths, Dean, everything is going to be okay. 🙂

There were a number of interesting threads that came out, some of which I should have anticipated, but all of which were helpful. I’ve made a goal to respond to many of the people whose comments sparked an epiphany of one kind or another. Out of ~180 respondents I’m hoping to personally reach out to a bit more than 50 of you. I sincerely wish that I could send each and every one of you an email, but I think it’s going to be a stretch to get even just 50 of you properly thanked around the other commitments I’ve got on my plate. (Also I wish that I’d added a spot for everyone to enter their name on the survey. I left it off because I didn’t want everyone to have yet another thing to fill out, but now I wish I could address me emails to you all by your actual names.)

I wanted to share some of my realizations while they are still fresh on my mind, so here goes. (Warning, I get into some of the business side of writing and publishing 🙂

Firstly, many of you started reading my books at some time in the last few months and are still working your way through trying to catch up. I’m a binge reader (and binge television watcher for that matter). When you combine that with the fact that I sometimes forget just how many books I’ve released in the last few years, I hadn’t thought about the fact that some of you are recently arrived to the game and haven’t had time to catch up. I’ll do a better job keeping you all in mind going forward 🙂

I also hadn’t realized that price was such an issue for so many of you. There was a lot of talk about bundling, discounts, and sales which shouldn’t have caught me off guard as much as it did. I’ve ‘grown up’ as a writer subscribing to what Scott William Carter calls the ‘WIBBOW’ test.

WIBBOW stands for Would I Be Better Off Writing, and (for me) has always boiled down to the fact that there are a million creative ways to market a book, but that oftentimes those efforts aren’t as effective at selling new books as just writing the next book would have been.

It’s a good rule of thumb that is probably directly responsible for me completing at least four or five books (because I used time I otherwise would have spent marketing to actually sit down and write). Marketing can be a dangerous trap for new writers because it is the fastest way to move the needle sales wise, but it’s a very short-term kind of thing. Writing a new book is often times a better investment of a writer’s time from a long-term perspective (because it is something that only they can do), but when you’re starting to worry about whether or not you can pay your mortgage sometimes long-term goes out the door.

As you get a bigger and bigger backlist though the mathematics around promoting can change. Instead of doing a lot of work to bring in one reader who will then read the one and only book you have available, you do a lot of work to bring in one new reader who can read ten of fifteen of your books.

I’m getting to the point where there are some benefits to marketing, it’s mostly just a matter of figuring out which marketing efforts are going to be worth the time and effort.

Up until now I’ve avoided changing my prices because it felt like a significant investment of time that was unlikely to pay off. I’m going to experiment with that now though in the hopes that providing a temporary price break on a few of my books will cause them to see a corresponding increase in visibility. To that end, I’ve gone in and dropped the price of Trapped and Bound to $.99 (everywhere but on Google Play for reasons that are too complicated to get into here). I’ve also dropped the price of Hunted to $2.99.

That means if you haven’t tried out the Dark Reflections books you can now get the first two for less than four bucks, which is an even better deal than if I’d gone ahead and made Bound free like I’d been considering doing.

This is obviously a risk on my part, so the question of how long Bound and Hunted remain at the lower price is entirely dependent on how many copies they sell at that price.

At this point I’m only planning on leaving Trapped at $.99 for a few days, so you’ll want to jump on that as well. Dropping the price of Trapped is mostly meant as a ‘thank you’ gesture. It’s a book that hasn’t sold as well as some of the others, but one that I think many of you would really enjoy, so I’m doing the next best thing to giving it away for free.

I try not to send out a lot of unnecessary emails. By and large the only time I email everyone is when I’ve got something new (a new book or a new format for an existing book), but I’m going to make an exception to that rule because I really want everyone to know about the reduced prices on these books and I know that there are a lot of you who don’t check my blog very frequently.

The third surprise for me was just how many of you have read, are reading, or are planning on reading both my Reflections/Dark Reflections books and the Guadel Chronicles books. Reflections are Paranormal Romance or Urban Fantasy depending on the book in question, while the Guadel Chronicles are Epic Fantasy.

I like to read both, but it was great to hear just how many of you are crossing over between the two series.

There was a desire for both print and audio versions, but it was a fairly small minority for both. Unfortunately that does jive with what I’ve seen so far. I haven’t sold very well in either of those two formats, which is why I haven’t put more time into getting them both up and running for my later books. Audio is still probably going to be a ways off, but I am getting started on print again.

There was some mention of wanting to get my books through libraries. As much as I’d love for libraries to start stocking me on their own, that’s probably something that will have to be driven by the individual fans that would like their local library to stock my books. Most libraries will have a process whereby you can request specific books, so if you’d like to be able to check out my books you’ll have to look into that process.

Kindles Unlimited (Amazon’s new all you can read program) was mentioned. I would love to be part of Kindles Unlimited, but unfortunately the ‘stock’ version of their program would require my books to be exclusive to Amazon, which wouldn’t be fair to all of my fans who purchase their books from iBooks or the other retailers.

My understanding though is that there is a select group of authors that have been invited to take part in the Kindle Owner’s Library (where you can check out a book each month if you are a Prime member), and presumably Kindles Unlimited without requiring exclusivity. If you’d like to see my books in Kindles Unlimited please reach out to Amazon and let them know that. If enough people send feedback to that effect there’s a good chance the nice people at Amazon would choose to invite me into that exclusive club. 🙂

I was also surprised by the number of people who mentioned that I should go do book signings (I even got a suggestion for Sturgis 🙂

Someday I’d like nothing more than to be able to travel and do some book signings/conventions. Everything I’ve read though seems to indicate that I’m still much too small of a fish for something like that to be worthwhile—I’d spend pretty much the entire time sitting behind an empty table.

That’s the bulk of the responses that I feel like I can share at this point—stay tuned over the next few days for other exciting developments. 🙂


P.S. Katie usually proofreads my blog posts before they go up, but I’m keeping her so busy with covers right now that I didn’t feel like I could ask her to do that right now so you’re getting this in all it’s unedited glory–apologies for the typos.

Survey Winner

Hello, everyone.

I’m happy to announce that Elizabeth Deary has won the drawing associated with the Ambushed Survey. Elizabeth asked for a copy of Ambushed, which I’ve sent off to her along with her Amazon gift card.

Congratulations, Elizabeth!

I’m still working my way through the survey responses–but there are already some interesting threads that are becoming apparent. I’ll be making a few small changes as a result–more to come with regards to all of that in the next few days and weeks.



Error in Ambushed

Hello, everyone. Earlier this morning Mei (one of my awesome advanced readers) pointed out an issue with the version of Ambushed that she purchased from iBooks.

This paragraph somehow ended up missing the emdashes:

As long as I realized I was dreaming there wasn’t much to be concerned about, but I was generally more present in my dreams than a normal person was. I didn’t understand how—I wasn’t sure that even Taggart really understood how it happened—but that meant that I could be injured while dreaming.

Which meant that instead many of you ended up with a version that looked like this:

As long as I realized I was dreaming there wasn’t much to be concerned about, but I was generally more present in my dreams than a normal person was. I didn’t understand howI wasn’t sure that even Taggart really understood how it happenedbut that meant that I could be injured while dreaming.

As I said on Facebook, I’m baffled by this particular issue because it is wrong in one of the foundational files, but right in one of the later files.

It appears that it ended up being wrong everywhere but Smashwords. I’m sincerely sorry that so many of you ended up with versions that were missing those two em dashes. I’ve uploaded a corrected version to Amazon, iBooks, B&N, Kobo and Google Play.

Hopefully that’s the last of the issues!


Win a $30 Gift Card by Taking My Survey

Dean's Reader SurveyIn conjunction with the release of Ambushed, I’m conducting a short, 14-question survey. By filling out the survey you’ll be entered into a drawing for a $30 Amazon gift card and an advance reader copy of one of my remaining 2014 new releases (Lost, Shattered, or Marked).

The survey will help me plan out my writing schedule for the next 6-12 months, so filling it out is incredibly helpful and much appreciated.

You can find the survey here.



Ambushed Is Now Live

I’m happy to announce that Ambushed is now live at all of the major retailers!

Ambushed (Dark Reflections Volume 3)The Setup:
Adriana Paige has survived not one but two vampire attacks in less than twenty-four hours, and unless she’s able to master her ability to share other people’s dreams, the attacks are only going to get worse. Taggart has promised to train Adri, but he’s got even more enemies than she does and there’s no guarantee that he’ll be able to keep her from being caught in the crossfire.

More than anything else, Adri wants to talk to shape shifter Alec Graves, but he’s gone strangely silent. There’s no way for Adri to know if that’s because he’s no longer interested in her, or if it’s simply because he’s still on the run from his ruthless father, Kaleb.

As enemies both new and old start closing in on Adri, she’s starting to worry that she might be forced into choosing between Taggart, the man who saved her life, and Alec, the guy to whom she feels inexplicably connected.

Publisher’s Note: Dean Murray’s ongoing Reflection Series has been a stunning success with hundreds of thousands of copies in circulation, and a rich, complex world where choices—right or wrong—have real, profound consequences. Unsatisfied with the restrictions imposed on him by writing inside of the conventional series structure, Dean has returned to Sanctuary and the characters so many fans have fallen in love with.

Ambushed is the third of Dean’s new Dark Reflections novels, an alternate timeline set in the same world and featuring many of the same characters, but with a profoundly different backstory.

Dean finally answers many of the questions that his most dedicated readers have been asking themselves for years. What would have happened if Alec’s father hadn’t been murdered by the Coun’hij, how would Adri’s life have changed if her family hadn’t been shattered in a horrific accident?

The answers may surprise you, but one thing is for sure; you’ll see new sides of familiar faces and when all is said and done, you’ll never be able to look at some of them the same.

Readers new to Dean Murray’s writing can start with Bound in the Dark Reflections Series or Broken in the Reflections Series.

Ambushed is a 101,000 word novel. Ambushed follows Hunted and is followed by Shattered.

Buy Ambushed as an Ebook and get 20% off the regular price of $4.99 for the next 7 days:
From iTunes ($3.99)
From Amazon US ($3.99)
From Amazon UK (2.49 GBP) 
From Barnes & Noble ($3.99)
From Smashwords ($3.99)
From Google Play ($3.99)
From Kobo ($3.99)