A Reflections Super Fan!


Janelle is one of my super-fan moderators over on my forum and she also serves as one of my advance readers (She’s given me some great feedback on Hunted and Driven).

She is so amazing that she e-mailed me a few weeks ago and asked if I would mind it she made a Splintered

t-shirt and wore it to Planet Comicon. Needless to say I was super excited and even more so when she sent me some pictures of the day and told me that I could post them here on the blog.

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I’m super grateful to Janelle (and all my other advance readers too, but this post is specifically about the awesomeness of Janelle) for all of her help. If you happen to run into her in real life or cross paths with her on my forum please give her a big thanks. She’s one of the unsung heroes that help move the series forward.

I get to have all the fun sitting alone in a room making things up, but Janelle is one of the great people who kindly step up to help out with all of the less fun parts making sure that everyone has a steady supply of new Reflections and Dark Reflections books.

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Thanks, Janelle for being so awesome!

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2 thoughts on “A Reflections Super Fan!

  1. Janelle

    Ha! Thanks, Dean! Whatever it takes to keep you writing. I need to find out what happens in this amazing world you’ve created! 😀

    1. Dean Post author

      You’re most welcome–it was no less than your due 🙂

      I’m glad that your are as keen to find out what happens as I am 🙂


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