More New Covers

Trapped (A Reflections Novel)Katie has been hard at work and has turned out a number of additional stunning covers.

I can’t even begin to express how excited I am about the work she’s been doing lately. I think these new covers are beautiful as well as properly indicating the genre of my books.

There’s a story behind how we ended up going such a completely different direction than what we were doing originally. I don’t remember what I’ve said here already or not, but–those of you who’ve bought and read Bound in the last few weeks may have noticed a clue to the story.

Riven (A Reflections Novel)Suffice it to say that an author who is much, much more successful than I am, was kind enough to help Katie and I out in a major way. It turns out that is exactly what we needed improve our covers by roughly an order or two of magnitude 🙂

Even more incredible, Katie has the concepts done for Hunted and Bitten, so I’ll probably be posting final versions of the two of them fairly soon.

I’ve been buried in formatting, setting up a big promotional push, and uploading new versions of books as Katie finishes up new covers, but I’ll try to shake loose some time and do a proper status update sometime soon.

A Darkness Mirrored (A Dark Reflections Novel)


2 thoughts on “More New Covers

  1. Janelle

    Katie’s doing amazing work! I love all the new covers! YAY!!!

    Just seeing the new cover of Trapped makes me want to sit down and reread it. I hope it works that way for new readers, too.


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